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Join us at our second Annual Art Exhibit, with Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra as our guest performers!

Come enjoy the works of 12 established Artists showcasing some of their finest pieces and share this rare moment when some of the Artists will feature a piece of art that is still a work in progress. It is a brave thing to do, letting the public see a work that is in its infancy, its underpainting laying bare for the world to see, lines still being worked out, and palette being changed. But by sharing this journey that the artist is still walking on, they invite the viewer to a part of a process that is usually done in solitary confinement.

This setting allows for guests to easily see and speak with each Artist, sip on wine, enjoy food from Valentinos and relax while listening to the HPO quartet.

This show could not be possible without the support of Marie Phillips, IPC Securities, Next Steps Planning. Her support of the Arts in our community is extensive and we greatly appreciate her support.

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